Öcalan, a 'fashion' capitulation
Öcalan, also known as Apo, is a Kurdish leader and one of the founding members of the militant Kurdistan Workers' Party UNOFFICIAL...

Anno Domini 2019: calcio e donne
Anno Domini 2019. Dopo quasi 10 mila anni di esclusiva dominazione maschile nella società , nella storia/arti/scienza/sport, le donne...

Giù le mani da Margherita
Margherita Calderazzi, coordinatrice del sindacato Slai Cobas di Taranto, è conosciuta non solo per l'essere attivista No Tav, della Rete...

Sessismo, turismo e pastorizia: italiano medio turista alla sagra del porco in fiore.
#PENSIERIEPAROLE #50SFUMATUREDIMASCHILISMO Io viaggio per conoscere e confrontarmi, imparare e creare uno scambio. Mi preme dire che non...

Hoxton Arches Gallery - London
Stories Of Migrant Woman is a project to discover the women protagonists of the migration, hosted in Sicily. I spent time with them and I...

Women and migration photo-project: notes, feelings and reflections
My subject of interest is focused on women arrived in Europe with the migratory wave in recent years. In particular I will focus my...

studying #myown #storage #archiving
The main way I record my reflection process is by writing. I always had the need to write down my thoughts and reflection but iI never...

#references for the #proposal Cesar Dezfuli. He is a spanis-iranian photo journalist, mainly dealing with humanitarian, political and...
feel it, see it, do it #thenotebookisnotenough
It is not easy to put into words something that I do since I was a kid. I reflected on my #Erasmus experience in #Salford, where I had...

The other #nexttome #keepknowingpeople #enjoyingblogging
I moved to Portsmouth in September and the only person I already knew was my brother, who works at the Casino; it wasn't a new experience...