studying #myown #storage #archiving
The main way I record my reflection process is by writing. I always had the need to write down my thoughts and reflection but iI never did it systematically. Looking back in time I can see thousands of images not categorised on my hard disks and that means that despite my attention in recording, the pieces of my works are fragmented and uncomplete. I did not developed an efficient and ordinated method of categorization. I think I never had the need to do so, until now. I am trying, in fact to understand a good method for me to functionally archive my images.
I'm planning to do a massive spring-cleaning once my new device arrives.
Neverthenless, analysing my chaos has been a good starting point to reconsider the evolution of my style. Also, looking at me in dozen of places reminded me how I used to travel like a mad pushed by my curiosity, always looking for new stimuli and imputs.
I found in my archive this poster from my first exposition experience.
2007 has been my graduation year and the art school exposed the students sculptures as well as paintings. I expose the cup represented in the poster below, but I barely remember what the concept was about. I can't even say with confidence where the piece itself is today (and it is not the only case), even because at that time I used to say to myself tath "it wasn't enough, you can do better; Just give it away and don't use more space than you need " So I do not get attached to my own work

I suppose that this caos has been generated also by my nomadism. I spent the last 10 years travelling, so I never had my space to properly store my works and I am always been dependent on momentary spaces, which doesn't allow to have a continuous and linear path. This uncertainty is patently expressed in my archive.
I reconstructed my movements
Palermo- Macerata
Macerata- Salford
Salford- Macerata
Macerata- Romania
Romania- Macerata
Macerata - Madrid
Madrid - Macerata
Macerata- Palermo
Palermo- Manchester
Manchester - Portsmouth
Plus countless times of me moving from a house to another, even twice or more in the same year.
I probably need a home base, it can surely improve my archive.