"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don't much care where "
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Alys (Alice Castiglione) was born in Palermo
(Italy) on 11 May 1986 – She has been
formed in the art environment since her
early age.
She studied for one year at the local music
conservatory, then she realized that her path
was among visual arts.
She attended the art school and the art
institute studying painting, sculpture,
installation, then she started exploring
hybridization between the different media.
She attended the Revolutionary Proletarian
Feminist Movement for some years and this
experience led her to social consciousness,
subsequently poured in her artistic research.
As a matter of fact, her artistic research will be
mainly focused on women’s identity.
She travelled around Italy until she stopped in Marche,where she enrolled in the Multimedia Direction section at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata (Italy), where her partnership/relationship with Daniele Antonini –a musician and a creative - over the years will affect her artistic choices - an incentive for new routes (for example sound design experiments).
Both of them also recognize the value of the journey as a creative discovery, to such an extent as to be confirmed as a value in the artist's poetics.
She takes a deeper interest in the multi-sensory seeking in the combination of various media an alternative aesthetic proposal, which comes to life thanks to the performative multisensory "Path of Loss and Rebirth" exhibited at the Omero Tactile Museum in Ancona and proposed as totally self produced at the national exhibition in Conversano " Face's Art ", thanks to the positive response of the public and critics, a work written by Chiara Ludolini, the curator of the exhibition "Ancona a mano libera”.
Afterward, she attends an Erasmus at the University of Salford-Manchester and two years later she obtains a research placement at the University Complutense Felipe II of Madrid, Spain.
After academic graduation she founded the Nikae Factory (New International Knowledge of Artistic Experience Factory) and after the performance “Activision” in collaboration with Steve Hunt, Daniele Antonini, and Chiara Ludolini, she leaves her hometown Palermo and moves to Manchester, where she lived for three years before enrolling in an MA Photography at the University of Portsmouth. Here she developed the documentary project "Stories Of Migrant Women, Sicily 2018" to investigate the female perspective of the migratory flux within the Mediterranean Sea (www.storiesofmigrantwomen.com). This project has been exhibited in Italy and in the UK and it was successful, so much so that based on this project, Alice organized and curated an event/exhibition at the monumental complex of Santa Maria Dello Spasimo (Palermo, Sicily 30.8/1.9.2019) representing 17 women artists from 15 Countries. Stories of Migrant women is a dialogue through images, for more information visit www.storiesofmigrantwomen.com
Alice is currently based in London, working both at the ongoing project SOMW and as a Teaching Assistant
Photo credit Anitha LadyColor